How It Works

A gluten-free diet is one of the most difficult, if not the most difficult diets to follow because ‘gluten’, the protein found in wheat, rye and barley, is commonly added to almost all processed food in the United States. Until now, learning how to follow a gluten-free diet was an overwhelming challenge. It requires a person to closely examine and understand every ingredient on every food label and to contact food manufacturers to clarify any suspect ingredients included on their packaging. Knowing which ingredients are safe on a gluten-free diet, which food products are produced in safe, dedicated gluten-free environments and which products also taste good requires diligent research and a significant amount of time.

The Livefreeda program was developed to help those who must conform to a gluten-free diet do so immediately, safely, nutritiously, deliciously and conveniently; we’ve done your research. Every product in the Livefreeda program is verified to be 100% gluten-free, (based on U.S. standards of less than 20 ppm) and taste tested, assuring that our customers receive the best tasting gluten-free products available.

Our menus meet dietary requirements and have been approved and endorsed by Shelley Case, registered dietician, author and one the most recognized experts on the gluten-free diet.
Livefreeda provides 28 days of delicious gluten-free food products and complete menus that will assure you get the nutrition you need while enjoying the best tasting gluten-free products available, all delivered directly to your door.